Therapeutic Garden
Our clients are invited to participate in cultivating food and friendships together.
Patrisha recibió una Maestría en Trabajo Social de la Universidad Highlands de Nuevo México en 2019. Es miembro inscrita de la Nación Navajo y tiene amplia experiencia en lidiar con los factores estresantes y las alegrías de vivir en ambos mundos. Esto, junto con su experiencia profesional, le permite brindar orientación y apoyo a sus clientes. Patrisha cree en la resiliencia y la fortaleza de cada persona, trabaja desde un enfoque basado en la fortaleza y centrado en el cliente; ya que entiende que cada individuo tiene un conjunto diferente de experiencias de vida, luchas, fortalezas y antecedentes culturales. Patrisha es compasiva al ayudar y apoyar a los clientes para que sean quienes fueron creados para ser. Trabaja con clientes que experimentan ansiedad, depresión, conductas disruptivas, desafíos en las relaciones y traumas. Utiliza múltiples enfoques de tratamiento que incluyen terapia experiencial, terapia cognitivo-conductual, entrevistas motivacionales y terapia centrada en soluciones. Durante su tiempo libre, a Patrisha le encanta pasar tiempo con su familia, ver deportes y hacer proyectos de DIY.
Patrisha received a Master of Social Work from New Mexico Highlands University in 2019. She is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation, with ample experience navigating the stressors and joys of living in both worlds. This along with her professional experience enables her to provide guidance and support for her clients. Patrisha believes in the resiliency and strength of each person, she works from a strength-based, client-centered approach; as she understands that each individual has a different set of life experiences, struggles, strengths and cultural background. Patrisha is compassionate to assist and support clients to be who they were created to be. She works with clients experiencing anxiety, depression, disruptive behaviors, relationship challenges, and trauma. She utilizes multiple treatment approaches including Experiential Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, and Solution-Focused therapy. During her free time Patrisha loves to spend time with her family, watching sports and making DIY projects.
Fernanda nació en Zacatecas, México y se crió principalmente en Albuquerque, Nuevo México. Obtuvo su licenciatura en Artes con especialización en Criminología y Español de la Universidad de Nuevo México en 2017. Junto con ese título, obtuvo una designación con honores internacionales después de completar un año en el extranjero en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. También tiene una Maestría en Consejería Clínica de Salud Mental de la Universidad Highlands de Nuevo México, enfocándose en niños, adolescentes y familias. También fue mentora de Rio Grande High School a través del programa ENLACE, técnica de conducta para jóvenes con autismo y ha trabajado como asistente graduada para el Departamento de Consejería de NMHU. Fernanda está capacitada en Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento del Movimiento Ocular y fue becaria del programa LEND del Departamento de Discapacidades del Desarrollo de la UNM. Fernanda actualmente trabaja como consejera clínica profesional autorizada y es una de las coordinadoras del programa de becas/mentorías El Puente de Encuentros, del cual es alumna. Fernanda tiene su certificado de consejería escolar y también tiene licencia para ser consejera escolar de NMPED K-12. Fernanda trabaja en salud conductual para retribuir a la comunidad brindando servicios culturalmente competentes, así como para disminuir la brecha en el acceso a los servicios de habla hispana.
Fernanda was born in Zacatecas, Mexico, and was primarily raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree with a dual major in Criminology and Spanish from the University of New Mexico in 2017. Along with that degree, she earned a designation in international honors after completing a year abroad at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. She also has her Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from New Mexico Highlands University, focusing on children, adolescents, and families. She was also a mentor for Rio Grande High School through the ENLACE program, a Behavior Technician for youth with autism, and has worked as the graduate assistant for the Counseling Department at NMHU. Fernanda is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and was a fellow for the UNM Developmental Disabilities Department’s LEND program. Fernanda currently works as a licensed professional clinical counselor and is one of the program coordinators for the El Puente de Encuentros Fellowship/Mentorship Program, of which she is an alumnus. Fernanda has her school counseling certificate and is licensed to be an NMPED K-12 school counselor as well. Fernanda works in behavioral health to give back to the community by providing culturally competent services, as well as diminish the gap in access to Spanish-speaking services.
Mi nombre es Héctor Grijalva, originalmente soy de Delicias, Chihuahua. Ahora me desempeño como Administrador de Casos dentro del programa de Intervención en Tiempo Crítico (CTI) en Centro Sávila. Mi trayectoria profesional comenzó en el sector financiero, donde dediqué cinco años de mi vida. Sin embargo, impulsado por el deseo de lograr un cambio significativo en mi comunidad, decido emprender un nuevo camino.
El nacimiento de mi hijo en marzo de 2022 sirvió como catalizador para la introspección sobre el propósito de mi vida. Cristalizó mi determinación de generar un impacto positivo y brindar asistencia a quienes la necesitan. Ser testigo del gran apoyo que recibimos mi familia y yo durante las complicaciones de su parto dejó una huella en mí. La amabilidad de quienes ofrecieron su ayuda y apoyo voluntariamente subrayó el profundo impacto de la solidaridad comunitaria.
En mayo de 2024, recibiré mi Certificado de Trabajador de Salud Comunitario, lo que marca el paso inicial hacia el logro de mi objetivo general de obtener un título en trabajo social. Cuando tenía 8 años, mi familia emigró a los Estados Unidos en busca de un futuro mejor para mi hermana y para mí. Si bien las razones detrás de nuestra mudanza estaban más allá de mi comprensión en ese momento, un aspecto que siempre aprecié fue el apoyo inquebrantable que nos brindó la comunidad a nuestra llegada. Esta experiencia ha moldeado profundamente mi visión del mundo, inculcándome un compromiso profundamente arraigado de corresponder la amabilidad y el apoyo que recibí brindándolo a los necesitados.
My name is Hector Grijalva, originally from Delicias, Chihuahua. I currently serve as Case Manager within the Critical Time Intervention (CTI) program at Centro Sávila. My professional journey began in the financial sector, where I dedicated five years of my life. However, driven by a desire to effect meaningful change in my community, I decide to take on a new path.
The birth of my son in March of 2022, served as a catalyst for introspection regarding my life’s purpose. It crystallized my determination to make a positive impact and extend assistance to those in need. Witnessing the outpouring of support my family and I received during his birth complications left a mark on me. The kindness from those who volunteered their help and support underscored the profound impact of community solidarity.
In May 2024, I am set to receive my Community Health Worker Certificate, marking the initial step toward achieving my overarching goal of attaining a degree in social work. When I was 8 years old, my family immigrated to the United States in pursuit of a brighter future for my sister and me. While the reasons behind our move were beyond my comprehension at the time, one aspect I always cherished was the unwavering support bestowed upon us by the community upon our arrival. This experience has profoundly shaped my worldview, instilling in me a deep-seated commitment to reciprocate the kindness and support I received by paying it forward to those in need.
Farah Council tiene una amplia experiencia en el manejo de organizaciones sin fines de lucro, diseño y evaluación de programas, operaciones, capacitación y facilitación, y recaudación de fondos. Ella es actualmente la Directora de Operaciones y Efectividad Organizacional en New Mexico Voices for Children, donde trabaja desde 2017. Farah también es coach de liderazgo somático con una profunda praxis de equidad y antirracismo, transformación de conflictos y conciencia somática para catalizar cambios significativos a nivel individual, grupal y organizacional. Tiene una práctica privada que incluye consultoría y asesoramiento a equipos y líderes para abordar el poder y el dominio en la cultura laboral. Antes de unirse a NM Voices, se desempeñó como gerente de programas en el Instituto para la Seguridad Inclusiva, liderando un programa innovador para promover los derechos de las mujeres y la inclusión en los procesos de paz en entre Sudán y Sudán del Sur. Farah ocupó un puesto docente adjunto en el SIT Graduate Institute y también se desempeñó como asesor estratégico y consultor para varias organizaciones sin fines de lucro nacionales e internacionales. Tiene una maestría en Transformación de Conflictos de la Escuela de Capacitación Internacional y una licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas de la UNM, y finalizará una certificación con la Asociación Internacional de Terapeutas de Yoga (IAYT) en 2024 como terapeuta de yoga, lo que se suma a una década de estudio. en terapias de base somática. Pasa mucho tiempo en la naturaleza con sus perros, aprendiendo a escuchar, vivir, jugar y profundizar un sentido de relación con el mundo y los demás.
Farah Council has an extensive background in nonprofit management, program design and evaluation, operations, training and facilitation, and fundraising. She is currently the Director of Operations & Organizational Effectiveness at New Mexico Voices for Children, where she has been since 2017. Farah is also a somatic leadership coach with a deep praxis of equity and anti-racism, conflict transformation and somatic awareness to catalyze meaningful change at individual, group, and organizational levels. She has a private practice that includes consulting and advising teams and leaders in addressing power and dominance in workplace culture. Prior to joining NM Voices, she served as program manager at The Institute for Inclusive Security, leading an innovative program to advance women’s rights and inclusion in peace processes in and between Sudan and South Sudan. Farah held an adjunct faculty position at the SIT Graduate Institute as well as served as a strategic advisor and consultant to several international and national nonprofit organizations. She holds an MA in Conflict Transformation from the School for International Training and a BA in Political Science from UNM, and will finalize a certification with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) in 2024 as a yoga therapist, adding to a decade of study in somatic-based therapies. She spends quite a lot of time in nature with her dogs, learning to listen, live, play, and deepen a sense of relationality with the world and others.
James Jimenez has extensive leadership experience in the nonprofit sector and state and municipal government. Currently he is Executive Director of the New Mexico Pediatric Society and Executive Director of NMVC Action Fund. Previously he served as Executive Director of New Mexico Voices for Children where he learned about the vital work of Centro Sávila. He has also taught graduate courses for the University of New Mexico’ School of Public Administration and New Mexico Highlands University’s School of Social Work. He received a B.A. in economics and a Master of Public Administration from the University of New Mexico. James and his wife Alexis have three children and five grandchildren.
Luana creció en el Valle Sur de Albuquerque, se graduó de Rio Grande High School y completó su licenciatura en Psicología, con especialización en ingeniería de factores humanos de la Universidad Estatal de Nuevo México. Durante los últimos 30 años, Luana trabajó en Colorado para IBM y Ricoh como diseñadora de interfaz de usuario (UX) de software y gerente de proyectos de software. Durante su carrera resolvió problemas técnicos complejos, gestionó grandes proyectos e ingenieros de software y entregó soluciones de software personalizadas.
En 2018, Luana regresó a Albuquerque y ¡Le encanta estar en casa! Recientemente se jubiló y está entusiasmada de unirse a la junta directiva de Centro Savila y espera ayudar a promover y hacer crecer la atención de salud mental en su comunidad y más allá. Le gusta leer, hacer senderismo y jugar golf con su marido desde hace 33 años.
Luana grew up in Albuquerque’s South Valley, graduating from Rio Grande High School and completing her degree in Psychology, specializing in Human Factors engineering from New Mexico State University. For the past 30 years, Luana worked in Colorado for IBM and Ricoh as a software user interface (UX) designer and software project manager. During her career she solved complex technical problems, managed large projects and software engineers, and delivered custom software solutions.
In 2018, Luana moved back to Albuquerque and loves being home! She recently retired and is excited to join the Board of Centro Sávila and looks forward to helping promote and grow mental health care in her community and beyond. She enjoys reading, hiking and playing golf with her husband of 33 years.
Office Location: Annex Building, 2040 4th St. NE
Office Location: Annex Building, 2040 4th St. NE
Loren is a native of Albuquerque, he says he has had many opportunities to move to other states but Albuquerque is his home. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and loves to be in the kitchen; he calls cooking his passion. Loren has been with Centro Sávila since October of 2020.
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Office Location: Varies
Diana grew up in Los Lunas, New Mexico and partially in Chihuahua, Mexico. Diana has a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and you can find her at a different office on a different day – Mondays at La Casita, Tuesdays at the Annex and Wednesdays at the South Valley office. Diana has been with Centro Sávila since May of 2021. She says she would like to retire in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, one day. Diana is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Office Location: Annex Building, 2040 4th St. NW
Espoir grew up in the East mountains in Tijeras, New Mexico. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Interpersonal Communication from the University of New Mexico and is currently in a Masters Program for Clinical Mental Health Counseling at New Mexico Highlands. Espoir is also working on getting the CPSW License. Espoir has been with Centro Sávila since October of 2020. She loves being out in nature and going hiking, kayaking when possible and going on long walks with her puppy Filmore!
Office Location: La Casita, 217 San Pablo St SE
Guiovanna joined Centro Sávila as the Business Operations Manager in November 2014, before transitioning to the Director of Operations in 2017, and is now serving as the Finance Director. She provides support, guidance, and leadership to all Centro Sávila staff, student interns, volunteers, and the community. Centro Sávila expanded its services during this time, going from a single location to a total of four and expanding from 5 employees to 30 employees. Guiovanna is responsible for the organization’s business accountabilities and ensuring that the day-to-day operations at all four locations run smoothly. These responsibilities include strong experience in an administrative capacity, serving the organizations needs in human resources, accounting, budgeting, grant writing and reporting, and program management. During this expansion in locations, increase in employees, and increase in budget, Guiovanna ensured accountability was maintained and had successful financial and program audits. Guiovanna is a native New Mexican. She grew up in Los Lunas, NM. She received an MBA from the Anderson School of Management at the University of New Mexico in 2013. Aside from her work at Centro Sávila, she serves on the Board for La Cosecha C.S.A. and Encuentro and is the Board President for Proyecto Educación, all local nonprofit organizations which benefit underserved populations. Working at Centro Sávila has given Guiovanna a deep appreciation of how the nonprofit sector strives to improve the quality of life for the communities they serve. In her free time, Guiovanna enjoys planning events for friends and family.
John Grassham tiene una larga trayectoria trabajando en organizaciones sin fines de lucro como creador y portador de cultura. Promueve una cultura vibrante y óptima ligada al compromiso con la diversidad, la equidad, la inclusión, el antirracismo, la justicia de género y la justicia para las personas con discapacidad y proporcionará liderazgo y gestión financiera a organizaciones sin fines de lucro.
Como líder comunitario firmemente establecido con antecedentes diversos, John ha trabajado y apoyado a niños y familias vulnerables y marginados. Su trabajo ha fomentado una comprensión excepcional de las complejas dinámicas interpersonales, así como un conocimiento práctico de las amplias fuerzas sistémicas en la curación,
y cambio narrativo.
Su lema de larga data, “Construyendo asociaciones comunitarias”, destaca mi experiencia brindando un espectro diverso de gestión de asociaciones estratégicas y participación comunitaria. Mi currículum destaca a un miembro de la junta directiva altamente motivado, optimista, organizado y resolutivo. Puede navegar con éxito en la dinámica política de partes interesadas con perspectivas y opiniones contradictorias. Grassham disfruta de una capacidad demostrada para trabajar con una amplia gama de personas y grupos con diversos intereses, y mantiene un historial de liderazgo no partidista. Entiende la dinámica y tiene experiencia trabajando dentro del gobierno local, estatal y nacional. Grassham fue nombrado por el Albuquerque Business Journal como el líder sin fines de lucro número uno que debe conocer en Nuevo México.
John tiene un firme dominio de la gestión caritativa y filantrópica. Su enfoque para aumentar los activos es a través de un compromiso reflexivo, reflexivo, paciente, personal y metódico. Tengo una pasión demostrada por las personas, involucro y cultivo activamente a posibles donantes individuales e institucionales y, finalmente, estableció credibilidad y me gano su confianza. El resultado de esos esfuerzos de gran alcance a lo largo de toda la carrera ha sido el apoyo a las fuentes de ingresos de la organización y los servicios filantrópicos de individuos, patrocinios, subvenciones, donaciones planificadas, subvenciones, donaciones corporativas y apoyo gubernamental.
John Grassham has a long tenure working in nonprofits as a culture builder and carrier. He promotes a vibrant and optimal culture tied to commitment to diversity, equity, inclusivity, anti-racism, gender justice and disability justice and will provide nonprofit leadership and financial management
As a firmly established community leader with a diverse background, John has worked on, and supported vulnerable, marginalized children and families. His work has nurtured an exceptional understanding of complex inter-personal dynamics, as well as a working knowledge of the broad systemic forces in healing,
and narrative change.
His long-time tag line, “Building Community Partnerships” highlights my experience delivering a diverse spectrum of strategic partnership management, and community engagement. My resume underscores a highly motivated, optimistic, organized, and get-things-done board member. He can successfully navigate the political dynamics of stakeholders with conflicting perspectives, and opinions. Grassham enjoys a demonstrated ability to work with a broad range of individuals, and groups with diverse interests, and maintain a track record of non-partisan leadership. He understands the dynamics and has the experience in working within the local, state, and national government. Grassham was named by the Albuquerque Business Journal as the #1 nonprofit leader to know in New Mexico.
John has a firm command of charitable and philanthropic management. His approach to growing assets is through reflective, thoughtful, patient, personal and methodical engagement. I have a demonstrated passion for people, actively engaging and cultivating prospective individual and institutional donors, and finally establishing credibility and earning their trust. Those far-reaching endeavors career-wide resulted have supporting the organizations revenue streams, and philanthropic services from individuals, sponsorships, grants, planned gifts, grants, corporate giving and government support.
Ubicación: Centro Hopkins , 7401 Copper Ave NE
Biografía no disponible
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Margarita Galvis is from Colombia. She is a registered nurse, has a Master in Arts and Education Administration, is a Certified Community Health Worker and a Specialist II in Mental Health and Clinical Skills. Margarita uses her expansive knowledge and skill set to help our community through our case management and pathways programs. Margarita has been with Centro Sávila since November of 2017 and is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Office Location: Main Office/South Valley, 1317 Isleta Blvd SW
Dalila has been a bilingual psychotherapist since 2019 and has primarily worked with clients who have been systemically underserved and lack access to resources. She sees the therapeutic process as a dialogue between two partners in exploration and developing/accessing internal and external resources. She tends to work in the here-and-now, in the present moment and attempts to connect present patterns to client’s histories and their larger systems. Her approach is relational, attachment centered, experiential, and present-focused. Her background and training includes somatic work, Gestalt Therapy, and AEDP for clients dealing with generational trauma, sexual trauma, domestic and intimate partner violence, post-traumatic stress and complex trauma, as well as emotional issues. Along with particular interests and training, she uses a variety of approaches including behavioral, cognitive, and task-centered techniques. Dalila was born in Missoula, Montana, to Argentinean parents. She spent most of her childhood growing up in Montana while also living in Mexico and Argentina. She moved to Albuquerque in 2010 and has lived in New Mexico ever since. She holds a BFA in Dance and Psychology from the University of New Mexico and received her Master’s in Social Work at Highlands University.
Fun Fact: She became very interested in the Arabic language in college and traveled to Amman, Jordan to learn Arabic. She is not currently fluent but hopes to be someday….
Ubicación: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Gema es una estudiante de maestría de primera generación, queer, Chicanx, en el Departamento de Alfabetización Lingüística y Estudios Socioculturales de UNM. Su investigación actual se centra en la Reforma Educativa, donde están explorando las intersecciones de la Justicia de Discapacidad, la Teoría Crítica de la Raza y la Teoría Queer. Antes de comenzar su aprendizaje en Centro Sávila a través de Public Allies of New Mexico, Gema ha trabajado de cerca con los estudiantes para apoyarlos en su viaje académico y profesional. Gema también tiene experiencia en la defensa de los jóvenes afectados por el cuidado de crianza, la justicia juvenil y la falta de vivienda. Gema continúa siendo una defensora y mentora de toda la vida para los jóvenes y los estudiantes de color queer de primera generación.
Gema creció en Sunland Park, Nuevo México, cerca de la ciudad fronteriza de El Paso, TX, y ha vivido en Albuquerque desde 2012. Les apasiona profundamente la equidad, la educación, la salud mental y las artes. Gema es una apasionada de la música con sed de conocimiento. Están emocionados y agradecidos de ser aprendices con Centro Savila.
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Gema is a first-generation, queer, Chicanx, master’s student in the Language Literacy and Sociocultural Studies Department at UNM. Their current research focuses on Education Reform, where they are exploring the intersections of Disability Justice, Critical Race Theory, and Queer Theory. Before starting their apprenticeship with Centro Savila through Public Allies of New Mexico – Gema has worked closely with students to support them in their academic and career journey. Gema also has experience advocating for young people impacted by foster care, juvenile justice, and homelessness. Gema continues to be a life-long advocate and mentor for young people and first-generation queer students of color.
Gema grew up in Sunland Park, New Mexico, near border town, El Paso, TX., and has lived in Albuquerque since 2012. They are deeply passionate about equity, education, mental health, and the arts. Gema is a music enthusiast with a thirst for knowledge. They are excited and grateful to be an apprentice with Centro Savila.
Office Location: Remote/Telehealth
Office Location: Annex Building, 2040 4th St. NW
Tomas Martinez was born in Albuquerque, NM. Tomas grew up in the South Valley and continues to live and work in his community. Tomas is a CTI Specialist with a Community Health Worker certificate and has been with Centro Sávila since October of 2017. Tomas enjoys working with youth because he wants them to have a better life and not a harder life. Tomas is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Leonardo was born in Santiago, Chile, and now lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He started with Centro Sávila in October of 2019 as a Peer Case Manager and is now a part of the Pathways program. He holds his certification as a Community Health Worker and his favorite time of year is Autumn. Leo is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Office Location: Main Office/South Valley, 1317 Isleta Blvd SW
Rilke was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Rilke started with Centro Sávila as a clinical intern, but in 2022, he graduated with his Master’s in Social Work from New Mexico Highlands University joining our full time staff as a clinician and facilitator for the Strengthening Families Program. He would like to one day learn how to surf! Rilke is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Office Location: Main Office/South Valley, 1317 Isleta Blvd SW
Dulce was born in Mexico City and moved to Albuquerque, NM at the age of fifteen. She received her Dual Master’s degree in Social Work and Business Administration from New Mexico Highlands University. She enjoys working with children and adults and has been with Centro Sávila since October of 2017. Dulce believes everyone should have access to mental health services. Dulce is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Ms. Perez obtained her Master’s in Social Work in 2003 from the New Mexico Highlands University. She has served the Hispanic immigrant population for most of her professional life. Before joining Centro Savila in 2017, she was the director of The St. Joseph Center for Children and Families Program of the Samaritan Counseling Center. Ms. Perez has worked with immigrant women and children who were survivors of domestic violence. She is the director of The Hopkins Center for Children and Families and the clinical director for the VOCA grant. She serves adults, adolescents, children, couples, and families incorporating a holistic approach that encompasses the different areas in a person’s life (spiritual, social, family, educational, and professional). She is also the lead facilitator for a support group for women and a co-facilitator of a grief and loss group. Ms. Perez is bilingual, Spanish and English.
Office Location: Main Office/South Valley, 1317 Isleta Blvd SW
Dr. Bill Wagner grew up in the Chicago area and moved to New Mexico in 1997. He is an independently licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist and medical anthropologist with extensive experience in public health advocacy, clinical service provision and research. He is the founder and executive director of Centro Sávila. For over 25 years he has worked as a clinician and researcher with immigrants and refugees that have survived political, domestic, and community violence. He provides strengths-based and trauma-informed care for serious mental illness and co-occurring substance use issues with a focus on the connections between broader public health and individual health concerns. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago and the University of New Mexico. His research in anthropology focuses on racism, trauma, memory, identity and mental health. Dr. Wagner is a Fulbright-Hays Scholar, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholar Alum, the 2016 New Mexico Social Worker of the Year and the 2019 New Mexico Voices for Children Spirit of Hope recipient. His goals are to increase access to healthcare services for New Mexico’s most underserved populations, contribute to the training of new bilingual, bicultural clinical providers and increase community engagement in building a healthier, more equitable and more engaged community. “To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.” ― Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living
Office Location: La Casita, 217 San Pablo St. SE
Sofia was born in Mexico City and moved to Albuquerque to attend the University of New Mexico. Sofia has been with Centro Sávila since April of 2020. She enjoys the fall time here in Albuquerque and would like to learn how to roast coffee! Sofia is bilingual – English and Spanish.
Office Location: Remote/Telehealth
Office Location: Main Office/South Valley, 1317 Isleta Blvd SW
Patricia is from Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has been with Centro Sávila since 2019 and has a Bachelor’s in Social Work. She enjoys Summer and would like to learn how to swim! Patricia is bilingual – English and Spanish.
Office Location: Main Office/South Valley, 1317 Isleta Blvd SW
Alma Olivas was born in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México. Alma is a certified Community Health Worker and a Robert Wood Johnson Community Health Leadership Fellow (2005). Alma has been with Centro Sávila since July of 2014. Alma believes that everyone deserves free health care services and free education, regardless of immigration status. Alma is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Office Location: Main Office/South Valley, 1317 Isleta Blvd SW
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Office Location: Annex Building, 2040 4th St. NW
Jorge is a therapist born in Mar del Plata, Argentina, and now residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His favorite season here is spring time and would like to one day learn how to play the Sitar! Jorge is bilingual – English and Spanish.
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Ivette is a first-generation student and comes from an immigrant, Spanish-speaking family. Ivette graduated from the University of New Mexico with a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology, Bachelors of Arts in Portuguese and a minor in Evolutionary Anthropology. Ivette recently completed the Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at the University of New Mexico. Her interest in mental health was gradually shaped throughout life roles: as a community member, student, and a community worker. She enjoys working with the diverse and culturally rich population of New Mexico. “You have to go through a mental and emotional process to recognize who you really are. I finally recognized that I cannot be defined by one country”-Jorge Ramos. Ivette has been with Centro Sávila since August of 2014 and is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Ubicación: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Oscar es de un pequeño pueblo en México llamado Agua Prieta, Sonora, ciudad fronteriza con Douglas, Arizona. Realizó la mayor parte de sus estudios académicos en México. En el 2006, por motivos de trabajo, emigró a los Estados Unidos donde vive desde hace más de 15 años. Actualmente, está cursando una Maestría en Trabajo Social Bilingüe en la Universidad de Loyola en Chicago. Su interés es trabajar con nuestra comunidad local que incluye nuestra comunidad latina/hispana. Se siente agradecido de estar aquí en Centro Savila donde puede ampliar mis conocimientos y experiencia. Oscar espera trabajar con los clientes para brindarles el apoyo que necesitan de la manera más atenta y personal posible.
Ubicación: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Arianda es una estudiante universitaria de primera generación de la Universidad de Nuevo México. Se graduó con su Licenciatura en Psicología y Español en 2019 y actualmente está trabajando en su Maestría en Consejería. Como pasante en Centro Savila, su objetivo es crear un espacio seguro y confiable donde los clientes se sientan validados y respetados. Ella cree que el cliente es el experto en su vida y su objetivo es ayudarlo a sentirse empoderado a lo largo de su viaje de curación.
Ubicación: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Miriam Ochoa nació y creció en Santa Fe, NM. En 2014, después de graduarse de la escuela secundaria, se mudó a Albuquerque para asistir a la Universidad de Nuevo México. Miriam actualmente está trabajando para obtener su Maestría en Trabajo Social a través de la Universidad New Mexico Highlands. Miriam espera ser una trabajadora social con licencia para servir a las comunidades desfavorecidas y desatendidas en Nuevo México. En su tiempo libre, a Miriam le gusta bailar o jugar voleibol.
Ubicación: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Amy se mudó a Albuquerque en 2020 y es originaria de San Antonio, Texas. Amy es estudiante de New Mexico Highlands University y está cursando una maestría en trabajo social. Amy espera servir y trabajar con la comunidad Latinx como trabajadora social clínica después de graduarse. Durante su tiempo libre, a Amy le encanta hacer manualidades y la jardinería.
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Oscar is from a small town in Mexico called Agua Prieta, Sonora, bordertown with Douglas, Arizona. He completed most of his academic studies in Mexico. In 2006, due to work reasons, he migrated to the United States where he has lived for over 15 years. Currently, he’s working on a Master’s Degree in Bilingual Social Work at Loyola University in Chicago. His interest is to work with our local community which includes our latin/hispanic community. He feels grateful to be here at Centro Savila where he can expand my knowledge and experience. Oscar looks forward to working with clients to provide them the support they need in the most caring and personal way possible.
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Arianda is a first-generation college student from The University of New Mexico. She graduated with her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology & Spanish in 2019 and is currently working on her Master’s degree in Counseling. As an intern at Centro Savila, she aims to create a safe and trustworthy space where clients feel validated and respected. She believes that the client is the expert in their life and her goal is to help them feel empowered through their healing journey.
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Miriam Ochoa was born and raised in Santa Fe, NM. In 2014 after graduating High School she moved to Albuquerque to attend the University of New Mexico. Miriam is currently working toward her Masters in Social Work through New Mexico Highlands University. Miriam looks forward to being a licensed social worker to serve disadvantaged and underserved communities in New Mexico. In her free time, Miriam enjoys dancing or playing volleyball.
Office Location: La Casita, 217 San Pablo St. SE
David was born in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and was raised in Albuquerque. He earned his Bachelor’s in Business Administration in 2016 from the University of New Mexico and his Master’s in Business Administration in 2022 also from UNM. He plans to enter the University of New Mexico’s Law School in the Fall of 2022. David has been with Centro Sávila since May of 2020.The fun fact he would like to share is that armadillos have bulletproof shells. David is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Office Location: Hopkins Center, 7401 Copper Ave NE
Office Location: La Casita, 217 San Pablo St. SE
Ale was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She earned her Bachelor’s in Business Administration with a dual concentration in Finance and International Management in 2017 and her Master’s of Public Policy in 2020, both from the University of New Mexico. Besides working for Centro Sávila, Ale owns a small business where she sells cakes and other sweet treats called Drizzled Cakes & Treats. She also claims she can win at any Friend’s trivia game. Ale is bilingual, English and Spanish.
Office Location: La Casita, 217 San Pablo St SE